    Sketch by Cole Falconer

    The doctor said it wouldn’t be so bad.

    He told me about a place run by his friend,

    And I laughed with everything I had.

    A tall man met me, all dressed in plaid.

    He told me I already looked on the mend.

    The doctor said it wouldn’t be so bad.

    That very night I’d been such a good lad

    He treated me to a game of pretend,

    And I laughed with everything I had.

    All the walls had such neat little pads

    To make sure it didn’t prematurely end.

    The doctor said it wouldn’t be so bad.

    I wrote a letter and it made the man mad.

    He asked to whom I intended to send,

    And I laughed with everything I had.

    The doctor checked in, I was so glad!

    I still was not balanced. My stay must extend.

    The doctor said it wouldn’t be so bad,

    And I laughed with everything I had.


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