Kappa Delta/Sailing Team fight over the Rock: May 19

    Photos by the author / North by Northwestern

    The Rock was painted approximately five times between Tuesday night and Wednesday morning.

    In the early hours of Wednesday morning, a call to arms was sent out via email sent by to the NU Sailing Team with the subject line “The epic of KD and NUST,” According to the email, members of the Kappa Delta sorority, whose philanthropic Twister Tournament is this Saturday, decided to paint the Rock Tuesday night, though the sailing team had already started guarding it for the following night.

    Though they allowed it to be painted, the sailing team then painted over KD’s work with blue and white paint after they left. Later, KD returned to the Rock and the sailing team allowed them to paint it again. However, a short time later, the sailing team changed the Rock to say “KD breaks rules” and made the painted polka dots into sad faces. The wall surrounding the Rock read “To paint the Rock you must guard it for 24 hours. FAIL!”

    By 11 a.m., KD painted over the Rock a last time with plain white paint.


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