Strapped for cash? Get a job in Evanston

    A month and a half into school, the fantasy that one can spend an unlimited amount of money on an unlimited amount of Chipotle is coming to a crashing end. As of Halloween, I had approximately seven dollars in my bank account. I wondered if I would ever do laundry again.

    When it gets this desperate, it’s time to get a job. Sure, it may seem impossible to squeeze employment into your already hectic schedule of classes, club meetings and frat parties, but desperate times call for, well, jobs. Work-study jobs are sparse at this point in the year, and often have low stipends that just won’t cut it. You’ll have to take the job search off-campus. Luckily, downtown Evanston is a quick walk from South Campus and the area plays host to a number of national and local joints that are still looking for applicants. Here’s what’s hiring:

    Click on the points on the map for info about the employers.

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    Note: No stores on Noyes Street said they were hiring.


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