Joan Slavin has left her position as NU's Title IX Coordinator

    After almost nine years in the position, Joan Slavin no longer holds the position of Title IX Coordinator or director of the Northwestern University Sexual Harassment Prevention Office.

    Amanda Silva, the former deputy Title IX coordinator, has been named as the Interim Title IX Coordinator, according to University Spokesman Al Cubbage. Newly appointed Associate Vice President of Equity Dwight Hamilton will lead the search for a new Title IX coordinator without any interruptions in service, Cubbage told NBN in an email. Slavin is no longer listed on the website or in the Northwestern directory as a NU staff member, although her LinkedIn still lists the position.

    “Joan Slavin, Northwestern's Title IX Coordinator, has left the University. We are grateful for her numerous contributions to the Sexual Harassment Prevention Office and our campus during the past nine years and wish her the very best in her next endeavor,” Cubbage said in a statement. An email request for comment from Slavin was returned with an automatic reply. DaSilva has not yet returned request for comment.

    Slavin assumed the position in September 2008, coming from a background in labor and employment law at private firms in Chicago, where she represented employers in employee discrimination and harassment cases and worked with them to improve their management policies. She had overseen a number of controversial cases in the course of her time in the role, including allegations made against Peter Ludlow and, most recently, reports of sexual assault against Sigma Alpha Epsilon and an unnamed fraternity.

    Editor's note: This story was updated at 8:30 p.m. to include a statement from University Spokesman Al Cubbage.


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