How to get into Tufts

    When I applied to Northwestern, the application was one question long: why do you want to go here? Simple enough. Tufts, by contrast, had at least nine options for thought-provoking questions on famous people in history, identification with inanimate objects and clever wordplay questions that sounded like they were written by beat poets. Tufts has raised the bar on creativity once again by asking students to post one-minute video supplements to their applications. That’s a mistake. Here are some highlights that are spreading around the web:

    This is probably too hardcore for Medford:

    The best montage ever:

    Psych. This is the best montage ever:

    Dumbo DJ:

    What if this was really what colleges were looking for all along?:

    Inexplicable. I hope this serves as a cautionary tale for academic use of YouTube. For good measure, I will throw in an awesomely unique and artistic application:


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