How I Met Your Mother: "Oh Honey"
    Katy Perry guest stars in this week’s episode of How I Met Your Mother. Photo by Sonja Flemming, courtesy of CBS.

    An emotional about-face from last episode’s grueling funeral, “Oh, Honey” was all about Ted finally getting together with Zoey, something the show has quietly been building to all season. The entire episode was elegantly framed to include Marshall, who is still in Minnesota, as well as his enormously entertaining clan (who intermittently eavesdropped on his phone calls). The genius unraveling of the situation via a series of phone calls to Marshall was wonderfully suspenseful and satisfying.

    Katy Perry did a fine job playing Zoey’s well-endowed naïve cousin, Honey, supposedly meant for Ted. Sadly, I don’t think I ever stopped expecting her to break into “California Gurls.” I have to wonder if having guest (super)stars actually detracts from the main attraction of the show. Sure, it’s outlandish at times but it’s also relatable. And Perry’s real-life persona as a multi-platinum recording artist is just too large to overlook. Honey’s five minute exchange with Marshall, however, did provide one of the highlights of the evening:

    Honey: “I know he [Barney] wants to contact me. He told me I was his first.”
    Marshall: “Oh, honey.”

    I’m conflicted on how I feel about the Ted-Zoey pairing. I am excited for the prospect of a new, viable love interest for Ted but I have a bit of a “been there, done that” feeling about her character. She is essentially half-Robin, half-Stella and almost all the initial quirkiness she showed early on has long been forgotten. Hopefully upcoming episodes will feature more of the strong-willed Zoey from the early episodes of the season. I do admire the writers to sidestepping any infidelity issues in favor of a quickly-and-quietly arranged divorce. There is absolutely no way to continue watching HIMYM if you can’t root for Ted, the good guy, to finally find the one.


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