Homecoming 2011 kicks off with court selection

    Production by Chrissy Lee / North by Northwestern.

    The Northwestern Homecoming Committee announced the 2011 Homecoming Court on Sunday as they move forward with preparations. Committee co-chair Elisse Kavensky said the week-long Homecoming events, which start October 16, will be more engaging and student-friendly than in past years. The theme, voted on by the student body, is “Purple Reign.”

    “We’re definitely taking Northwestern by storm,” said Kavensky, a Weinberg junior. “We have some tricks up our sleeve this year and we’re really excited to put them in action. Hopefully we’ll have something for each of the 8,000 students.”

    Events like a concert Thursday night, a campus-wide barbecue before the parade and a royalty date auction are among the events Kavensky and crew have planned.

    The court should help serve to engage students, she said.

    “We’re really excited about the student we have,” Kavensky said. “They’re involved in different areas of campus. They all have their own niche.”

    See the interactive guide above for information about and photos of each king or queen candidate.

    Editor’s note: Leila Pree is from Pasadena, Calif., not Scottsdale.


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