"Green" initiative gains momentum in ASG

    An incentives plan for student groups to "go green" passed during Wednesday's ASG Senate meeting.

    Weinberg sophomore and SEED senator Mark Silberg's legislation, brought forward by SEED and other environmental student groups, called for the creation of a working committee to "explore the possibility of the creation of a Student Group 'Green' Accreditation oversight body," according to the bill.

    "[The committee would] explore ways that we can incentivize student groups to be more environmentally sensitive," Silberg said.

    The bill skipped debate, after an amendment ensured the created committee would be required to report its progress to Senate by May 2. It then passed unanimously.

    Weinberg junior and IFC senator Victor Shao, a presidential candidate in the upcoming election, had previously introduced a bill to create senator handbooks with specific instructional material for each individual ASG position. The bill was reintroduced during Wednesday's senate for a vote.

    Questions against the bill included if the second week of Spring Quarter was the right time for this bill. Its "heart is in the right place," but this transitionary period is not the time to pass it, one senator argued. After debate, the bill passed with a single "nay" against it.

    In other Senate news:

    SESP sophomore and Vice President of Services David Harris presented a new ASG website project, Legal Services FAQ, "a one-stop spot for common student legal concerns and questions," according to Harris's slideshow.

    Whether it be underage drinking- or drug-related offenses, illegal music downloading, tenant rights violations (a clear "brothel law" nod) or sexual violence concerns, the website offers researched answers, or at least a starting point - none of these Senate members are lawyers.

    The site also aims to provide assistance in starting a business and dealing with intellectual property rights, "for all those nerds out there," Harris said.

    Ten ASG seats stand vacant - they will be filled at some point. New senators introduced themselves, and Speaker of the Senate Ani Ajith provided some explanation of how Senate works throughout the short meeting.


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