Gossip Girl: "There Might Be Blood"

    Our last recap got a surprising amount of comments. I guess Nate and Jenny really know how to stir up some drama. To clarify, I probably wouldn’t have minded as much if Nate had gotten with nice, not as wanna-be-punkRAWKer Jenny (key word: as). Or if this development made any sense within the context of the show. Books, yea, sure. Show that completely deviates from the original source material, no. Yes, they bonded once or twice first season, but this still seems out of the blue.


    •  Jenny and Agnes, who apparently is a model out of work, are planning a guerrilla fashion show aka crashing a huge philanthropic event with amateur models and designs. Although J’s problems now amount to Nate ignoring her since their “big kiss.” You know, since she wants him so badly. As of one episode ago. Oh teenage love-angst. 
    • Meanwhile, Blair and Serena are meeting with a woman who is close friends with Yale’s dean. She actually wanted to meet with Serena, who attended Karl Lagerfeld’s birthday party (which would never happen in real life, come on) and is still super famous, but she brings Blair along, then volunteers B to “babysit” the woman’s 15-year-old daughter, Emma. Well surprise, she turns out to be a baby prostitute who’s on a mission to get laid before her friend does. And she’s blackmailing Blair into helping. Blair’s not pleased, but Serena’s preoccupied with Aaron issues. Yes, her summer-camp sweetheart is back, but it seems he has more than just one extra girl occupying his time. 
    • So Dan/Nate are still acting all bff-y, but they unwittingly walk in when J/A are making their great escape. Dan gets wind of Jenny’s scheming and debates on what to do. He’s left with no choice however, when Rufus walks in on him and Vanessa’s deep conversation — ironically also involving V’s lingering feelings for Nate. Dramatic irony much? So the trio chases after Jenny, a little too late. Nate’s been whined into driving Jenny away. It inconveniently turns out to be a reception for Bart and Lily Bass, a little awkward for little J. She has some second thoughts but things turn around when Nate makes out with her again. Why, Nate, why? Of course, the conveniently located girl-with-camera-phone catches them in the act, and sends it to GG. And just guess who sees the blast. One big brother Dan Humphrey. And he is not pleased. 
    • At the Bass abode, S/B plot to delay little Emma and keep her safe. Too bad she runs into Chuck Bass, who she immediately tries to seduce. Luckily, Chuck’s a good guy at heart, and she runs away after being rejected. So this trio goes off in search of the little one, finding her at a sleazy bar about to run off with some gross rando. And Blair sees Yale-mom making out with not-her-husband. So Blair thinks she’s found her ticket into Yale but decides to save Emma first. Her and Chuck do, and Blair learns that Emma’s a lot more like her than she thought — acting out to get her mom’s attention. Bitch mom bitches at Emma while she defends Blair, which makes B decide that blackmailing would only hurt the girl. In the end, she gets a call from the dean saying the mom had given a strong recommendation for Blair, and she’s as good as in.
    • Basically, Aaron does something sweet, Serena decides to give him another chance and they agree to go out on a date. The typical unrealistically romantic Serena plot-let.
    • Meanwhile, at the event: Dan, Vanessa and Rufus come looking for Jenny. Dan finds Nate first, however, and pretty much throws him against the wall, bitches him out for getting with a young’un and kicks him out of the Humphrey house. The fashion show goes down before Daddy can stop it, and it’s actually a huge success. The people love it, and even though I personally would have been kind of weirded out and confused, it was a pretty cool idea. Then Vanessa sees Jenny’s celebratory make-out with Nate and is obviously pissed. Jenny sees this and runs after her, saying something like “I should never have done this.” Ooh, looks like Nate just got dumped by little J. Ouch, the ultimate burn. Rufus tries to turn Jenny into the cops, but anticlimactically Lily saves her ass. 
    • In summation: Nate decides he’s leaving town to live with his mom, despite Chuck’s offers of help. Dan decides, since he was unable to get any recommendations for Yale with his writing, that he’s going to write ‘the Chuck Bass story.’ And Jenny runs away from home. So intense.


    • Why does everyone conveniently run into each other in front of the Palace Hotel? Is it the only hotel in Manhattan?
    • As funny as it was trying to save little Emma’s virginity, she’s only two years younger than Blair. And I’m pretty sure Blair lost her v-card at 16 anyway. Well at least she admitted she loves Chuck still. Although I’m frustrated with those two, they’re still unwittingly cute. Just get together already or get with someone. They’re in relationship-limbo right now.
    • Why does Serena get so much attention for things we never see on the show? Her quasi-fame is just getting kind of awkward.
    • How does Aaron have so many girls? How can he even get one girl with his man-bang?
    • You know, I’ve always wondered how there’s always the conveniently-placed GG poster. I mean, it’s obviously necessary for the show, but think about how creepy that’d be in real life.


    • Nate: She’s a sophomore, I’m a senior. Don’t act like I’m some creepy older guy. (Oh the irony)

    Next Week

    The preview was kind of a blur, but from what I can tell Dan writes his Chuck story but comes across something that could ruin Bart and the Basses – which does not please Chuck. Also numerous clips of Jenny breaking down, so it seems the life of a runaway is not for her.


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