Going Vogue
    Photo by John Meguerian / North by Northwestern

    Sierra Tishgart interned at Vogue this past summer, and now this Medill senior is working for Teen Vogue as Assistant Online Features Editor. The Philadelphia native took time out from her busy schedule to trudge through a particularly snowy day and tell us about what type of changes puberty brought on (don’t worry, guys, it’s not what you think), how she remains chic even in the bitter winter and what she can’t leave home without. 

    Where do you like to shop?

    I love vintage shops. In each city, I have a specific vintage shop that I really love. In Chicago, it’s Sofia; in Philadelphia, I like to shop at Vagabond; in New York, I love Shareen Vintage. I find that I like vintage shopping because it’s always a little bit more affordable so it allows me to play with my look and change things up and try new things. I still don’t think I really know what my style is. I don’t really ever want to have a specific style. I think fashion should be fun.

    When did style start becoming important to you?

    I might say when I hit puberty. Probably around that age. Seventh grade. I think style and fashion are so tied to your body and how you feel, and I think when I started becoming a little more aware of my body and you know, I think as much as you dress for yourself, [...] at that age there’s your presentation, you’re in high school, people are noticing you. I just started to take more notice of how I looked. I think I’ve always enjoyed shopping because it’s entertaining, but I’d say my interest in fashion started around seventh, eighth grade and I really started using it as a way to express myself.

    Do you find it hard to remain stylish while it’s so cold?

    I always joke that I’m seasonably fashionable. [Laughs] It’s much easier to put on a little sundress and an easy pair of sandals in the summertime and feel good and look good. But I recently just bought a new winter coat that isn’t just like my big, puffy, let’s-make-me-look-like-the-Marshmallow-Man, and that was a really good purchase. I really love UNIQLO HEATTECH, and I actually take their ultra light down and put it under my coats, and it saves my life. Sometimes it can be really dark and gray here. If I’m not having the greatest day, and I don’t wanna go outside, I put on something that can [...] perk up my mood a bit, maybe make me smile, something colorful.

    Do you feel pressure to look fashionable when you go to work? 

    It’s certainly different dressing for a magazine. You want to look a little more refined. I never felt pressured to spend a certain amount of time or go out and buy a certain label. I’m certainly inspired when I get up in the morning because it’s part of the culture there. It’s a common interest you have with everyone in the office, and it’s something that can be fun to partake in. I wear heels a bit more, I put more effort into it, maybe more just because I think everyone kind of appreciates it. It’s not like I feel like I have to.

    I think New York more than the magazine culture encourages me to kind of put more effort into an outfit. I’ve lived in a few cities — London, Chicago, spent some time in Paris — but there’s a certain way New Yorkers put themselves together even if it’s the simplest outfit. It doesn’t need to be frilly or over the top. There’s a certain simplicity that’s really refined, and I like that, and it makes me want to work in the morning and not just want to put on jeans and the warmest thing possible, which is usually what I do here.

    Favorite thing you own?

    It has to be these three rings that have been passed down from my family. One is the first ring my dad ever gave my mom, this ring my dad wore throughout high school — he was a huge hippie. And the ring with the three V’s is my mom’s original wedding band. I love wearing them, and people ask me about them a lot, so it’s a good conversation piece. I wear a lot of costume jewelry, but this jewelry is really personal to me, and I feel naked without them. It’s just nice to carry a little something of my family with me every day.


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