Florean Fortescue's Sundae Showdown
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  • Members of the Northwestern Kneazles, NU’s Quidditch Team, line up before their match with Loyola. Thomas Molash / North by Northwestern
  • Members of the Northwestern Kneazles, NU’s Quidditch Team, get ready for the start of a match next to their broomsticks. Thomas Molash / North by Northwestern
  • One member of the team flies by on his broomstick, an improvised PVC pipe. Thomas Molash / North by Northwestern
  • Members of the Loyola Lumos and the Chicago Phoenixes exchange handshakes at the end of their match after the Lumos win, 80-70. Natalie Escobar / North by Northwestern
  • Members of the Northwestern Kneazles wait for their scrimmage against a team made of members from the Loyola Lumos and Chicago Phoenixes. Natalie Escobar / North by Northwestern
  • The starting Kneazles players bolt toward the center of the field at the beginning of the game to grab the Quaffle and Bludgers away from the opposing team. Natalie Escobar / North by Northwestern
  • A Chaser from the Kneazles starts to pass the Quaffle to another team member. Natalie Escobar / North by Northwestern
  • Another member of the team holds his broomstick in one hand and a bludger in his other. Thomas Molash / North by Northwestern
Photos by Natalie Escobar and Thomas Molash / North by Northwestern
Video by Rose McBride and Mia Zanzucchi / North BY Northwestern


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