Fake apps we wish were real for NU students


    Photo by Denise Lu / North By Northwestern

    Going to Northwestern isn't easy and a lot of the time it's awkward. Forget Instagram, Angry Birds and Draw Something – these apps would totally make a difference in your everyday life, if only they were real. Never again would you have to feel alone, use a microwave to heat water or decide what song by The Smiths is right for the situation. Technology can be a beautiful thing.

    BFFSiri (iOS; $1.99)

    So you have all the fake phone calls you will ever need, but sometimes you just wish there was someone on the other end for you to communicate with. Your college buddies are all too busy to have text conversations with you, you don't talk to your high school friends anymore and you only call your parents in case of emergency (or when you need money, which is an emergency). The BFFSiri app will give those looking for a text buddy an unconditional friend: Siri. This app uses the iPhone's existing Siri technology, but instead of just the snarky responses characteristic of the application, Siri will become your friend. Have a philosophical debate, get advice, you name it. Just don't think Siri is actually on your side. You may be disappointed in the end.

    Survive Finals (Android; free)

    For determined students trying to make it through classes in Northwestern's quarter system, midterms and finals weeks are all too frequent. But when you spend all your time in the library finishing readings and people don't see you around anymore, they start to worry about you. Prevent those future "Dude R U still alive" texts and frantic calls from your roommate when you use the free Survive Finals app. Not only does this Droid app allow you to keep track of all your tests, assignments and readings on a user-friendly calendar interface, but it also links to your Facebook account and automatically likes a couple of statuses a day and updates your profile picture in the middle of the week so that people know you're still alive somewhere. This app allows you to survive finals week in terms of homework and existence.

    HeatUp (iOS; $0.99 + the price of a new phone when yours melts)

    The iPad 3 was released to both acclaim for its retina display and criticism for its tendency to overheat. What most people don't know is that iPhones can get pretty warm too. For a low price you can download an app that harnesses your phone's ability to heat up. Whether you're stranded outside in the winter and want to heat up your hands or just want to warm up some water to make tea, select one of four different temperature options and wait up to 30 seconds for your phone to create all the heat you need.  

    AwkwardCure (Android, iOS; $0.99)

    Everybody's experienced it: Small talk that suddenly stops, passing an acquaintance on the sidewalk and not knowing whether to wave or look away, maybe even walking past beggars on the street. These are commonplace awkward situations people usually face head on unless they have the AwkwardCure app. This app and its patented AwkDetection® technology will sense when you're in an awkward situation and will make your phone ring, forcing you to leave the situation and take the "call." The other party will think nothing of it and you can just pretend it's a well-timed call from your mom.

    iAmDoneWithOurRelationship (Android, iOS; $1.99)

    So you're one of those people who tends to attract awkward moments. You have already put AwkwardCure to work, so you're heading in the right direction. But now you've found that simulated phone calls don't exactly do the trick when you want to break up with somebody. This is where iAmDoneWithOurRelationship comes in handy. Simply fill in a short form on the app with the dumpee's name and phone number, then choose from a list of reasons of why you are parting ways. Finally check or uncheck the nifty musical telegram option (it lightens the situation) and hit "send." The person with whom you are breaking up will instantly receive a totally non-awkward text message (or musical telegram) that explains the situation. Dumpees: there's an app for you too. Check out the free MiddleFingerGreetings app in the App store.

    BlockIt (Android; free)

    This is a perfect app to use after being on either end of the previous app or if you are generally annoyed by anything that seems to come up often in your life. This may range from ongoing repeats of "Call Me Maybe" to any mention of Kim Kardashian. With the BlockIt app, you can block things out of your life. This app listens for the word, phrase or song you wish to block and within a split second of hearing it your phone will emit a noise of your choosing. There are 10 sounds to choose from, like meowing and loud trucks passing. Another great feature of this app is that it works with written words that come up on your phone as well. Where you see mention of Kim Kardashian's name, a cat picture will appear in its place. Most would agree that it's a great trade-off.

    SmithsMood (iOS; $1.99)

    If you're one of those people who goes through life thinking, "Didn't I hear this in a Smiths song?" then the SmithsMood app is perfect for you. It works like a mood ring: you hold a finger on the screen for ten seconds, and it determines what mood you are in and plays the perfect Smiths song for you. The app contains a library of every studio album by the English alt-rock band so you'll never be disappointed by the song it plays for you. This app is particularly satisfying for anybody who constantly feels misunderstood in an unforgiving world. But it's still fun for those who don't quite match this persona as well. (Disclaimer: every song by The Smiths is written for the angsty listener.)

    For any awkward, sad, cold, stressed and lonely situation you may find yourself, there's an app for that.


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