Face-off: What's the best class you've taken at Northwestern?

    Hey students, what’s the best class you’ve taken at Northwestern?

    I would say Elementary German because it’s a lot of fun. You go there, and you don’t feel like you’re in class but you learn a lot, and Paluch is an amazing teacher.
    – Jiaxi Liu, Music and Weinberg senior
    My favorite class I’ve taken so far is Psychopathology with Dr. Maddox just because she’s a great teacher… she offers opposing viewpoints to issues. She’s not just by the book.
    – Alison Lynch, Communication sophomore
    My favorite class I’ve taken at Northwestern is Medieval Art, particularly Byzantine Art and it’s taught by Cecily Hilsdale. She’s my favorite professor because she makes a really boring subject matter really interesting because she’s so enthusiastic about it. She’s always smiling, cracks jokes and makes everybody love being in class.
    – Amy Liebster, Weinberg sophomore
    My favorite class was probably History of the Holocaust with Peter Hayes. He’s just an amazing professor who’s excellent at explaining the topic and really good at making you feel what people went through and really understand why things happen and not just accept things you’ve been told. It really makes you think.
    – James Small, Weinberg senior
    Intro to Psych with Professor Broaders. She made it fun and just really interesting.
    –Elizabeth Handler, Weinberg sophomore
    So far, probably Intro to Psych with Professor Broaders. It’s probably the only humanities class I’ve taken because I’m in Chemical Engineering but I really liked that. I’m doing a psych theme in engineering now because of that class.
    –Nate Perkins, McCormick sophomore
    My favorite class would have to be Music Theory. The teacher Dr. Piagentini is really good. It’s a very insightful class. Although it’s a very difficult class, she makes it easy to keep up.
    – Rachel Taylor, Music freshman
    I’m in the Screenwriting class right now and writing a 15-page screenplay… I’m a film major so it’s been a lot of fun and its good experience.
    – Joshua Stroud, Communication sophomore


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