Face-off: What would you change about Evanston?

    Hey Northwestern, what would you change about Evanston if you could?

    “I’m really not used to the roads here. Everything just seems inconvenient, I would probably have to change something about the entire infrastructure of the city. I’m not a fan of one-way streets; it’s just really difficult getting around.”
    – Vanessa Chatman, Weinberg junior
    “I rather like Evanston, and I haven’t been here long enough to identify any major problems with it. Having grocery stores closer would definitely be a concern of mine, though. Having to walk from North Campus to Evanston is kind of difficult.”
    – Victor Siclovan, Weinberg freshman
    “I don’t feel that Evanston really appreciates Northwestern and the business we bring to it. The university is obviously expanding, and because Evanston won’t let us expand into it, we have to take up the green space for buildings.”
    – Rob Wojahn, McCormick junior
    “I really don’t like the one-way streets, and parking’s kind of a hassle, and so is street cleaning. I just basically dislike how the city works.
    – Christy Finch, Communication senior
    “I’d like more activities where college students can get involved. I wish there was a little more culture. If you want to see a show or go to a museum, you obviously go to the city, and I feel like there’s not much to take advantage of in Evanston.”
    – Peter Hanna, Weinberg senior
    “I’d change the hours of the businesses. It’s kind of an old-people town.
    – Peter Koerner, Weinberg sophomore
    “The safety issue is a big problem. It is kind of scary to know everything that’s gone on like the muggings, and I know a student was assaulted, and that’s really tragic. Northwestern does a lot for its students, but I wish Evanston as a city were safer.
    – Komal Patel, Weinberg senior


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