Face-off: Did you go Greek? Why or why not?

    Hey Northwestern, Did you go Greek? Why or why not?

    I am Greek. I’m in Phi Mu Alpha, the music fraternity. Some prominent people in my life at home were in it, so I decided to join.
    – Bryce Bowlin, Music senior
    No, I did not [go Greek] because I don’t have the money and it takes up too much time. Although I did consider joining a historically black sorority.
    – Rebecca Davis, Music senior
    No, I really didn’t want to do Greek because it takes so much time and I didn’t think I would be friends with anyone except the guys in my frat.
    – Neil Dhawan, Weinberg sophomore
    I didn’t pledge because it freaks me out how cultish sororities are, and I’ve seen Legally Blonde a few too many times.

    – Kate Goodwin, Medill freshman

    I joined FIJI* because I liked being part of a brotherhood and the party atmosphere.
    – Chris Dugan, Weinberg freshman
    I wanted to have a good time and good brothers, and to be a part of the Greek system here at NU, so I joined AEPi.
    – Michael Lobel, Weinberg freshman

    *Correction — Saturday, January 19: An earlier version of this article incorrectly spelled “FIJI,” or Phi Gamma Delta.


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