Expect the unexpected: Dancer Relations

    Members of the Dancer Relations committee are wearing highlighter yellow shirts with “Expect the Unexpected” printed on the back and sharks on the front. We asked a few of them to tell us about the most unexpected thing they’d seen during the beginning of Block 2.

    Here’s what they said:

    “The most unexpected thing for me was the professor [Stephan U Schuele] who came up and talked to us. I never would have expected a professor to do that.” - Andrew Wei, Communication sophomore

    “I saw a senior guy in a full on leopard print onesie.” - Emily Glaser, SESP sophomore

    “Someone’s wearing a cow suit.” - Emily Lichtenberg, McCormick freshman

    “I was walking in the main [lobby area] and I almost fell through the tarp wall.” – Kelsey Adams, Medill freshman


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