Dorm Room DIY: Kitschy Cards

    Photos by Julia Gang. Production by Sophia Ahn / North By Northwestern


    • Tape (Masking or Scotch)
    • Construction paper (many colors, preferably)
    • Extras you can tape onto paper (condoms, Band-Aids, birthday candles, guitar picks, etc.)
    • Scissors
    • Markers (eat your heart out in Crayola)


    1. Think of a reason to create a card, such as a birthday, get well card, a friend has a big event coming up…
    2. Take a piece of construction paper. Decide what size you would like your card to be and create a fold-less or two-fold card.
    3. Write out your message and create a picture
      • Feel better!
      • Good luck on your date!
      • Go get ‘em Tiger!
      • Just wanted to say hi!
      • Happy Birthday!
    4. Add any tchotchkes for the last touch.
      • Band-aids for “feel better” card
      • Condoms for a friend going on a date
      • Guitar picks for the musically inclined
      • Birthday candles for a birthday


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