Dismissal of Title IX federal lawsuit upheld

    A federal judge upheld the decision to dismiss the Title IX lawsuit filed last year by a Medill senior against Northwestern on Thursday.

    Judge Harry D. Leinenweber dismissed her lawsuit that claimed the University did not respond sufficiently to her report of being sexually assaulted by philosophy professor Peter Ludlow who is not currently teaching any classes at NU.

    University spokesman Al Cubbage released a statement saying, “We’re pleased that the court has reaffirmed its dismissal the lawsuit.”

    He continued, “ As we have said previously, Northwestern is strongly committed to responding appropriately to complaints of sexual harassment and sexual assault. As the court ruled again today, the University did so in this case. Northwestern complied fully with its procedures, conducted a prompt, fair and thorough investigation and took a number of corrective and remedial actions."

    This lawsuit has contributed to a number of campaigns and movements aiming to end sexual assault on campus. 


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