Democrat wins Virginia's 10th district for first time since 1978

    In Virginia’s 10th Congressional district, Democratic state Senator Jennifer Wexton defeated Republican incumbent Barbara Comstock, flipping the first House seat as election results came in this evening.

    Comstock has held the seat since 2015, and despite being in liberal Northern Virginia, the district has elected a Republican in every election since 1980, until now. What’s more, the seat has been held by a Republican for 60 of the past 66 years.

    According to CNBC, Wexton was “one of only a few Democrats in tight races who raised less money than their Republican opponent.” Wexton was reported to have raised $4.6 million, while Comstock raised $5 million. Despite this, Democrats had been fairly sure they could expect a victory this year.

    Sophomore Will Wicker, resident of VA-10, said he is happy the district flipped. “I’m really glad that the district went blue,” Wicker said in a Facebook message. “I think it represents the viewpoint of a large portion of Americans today in regards to the Republican party.”


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