College Democrats paint the Rock for Gen. Wesley Clark...Oct. 6

    Members of College Democrats painted today’s Rock to advertise for their Fall speaker, General Wesley Clark. He will be discussing “Strategic Leadership in the Information Age” tonight at 7:30 in Leverone Auditorium.

    From the General’s political action committee Web site:

    “During 34 years of service in the United States Army Wesley K. Clark rose to the rank of four-star general as NATO’s Supreme Allied Commander, Europe. After his retirement in 2000, he became an investment banker, author, commentator, and businessman. In September 2003 he [stood] as a Democratic candidate for President of the United States, where his campaign won the state of Oklahoma and launched him to national prominence before he returned to the private sector in February 2004.”

    General Clark’s most recent book, “A Time to Lead: For Duty, Honor, and Country,” will be available for purchase before and after the event. Gen. Clark will also be signing copies of his book for a short period after the event.


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