By the board
    Photo by Emily Chow / North by Northwestern.

    College is all about the new: new experiences, new friends, new ideas. In the midst of all this newness, Communication freshman Lauren Guiteras has figured out a way to remind herself of the old. Covered with movie ticket stubs, magazine clippings and pictures from home, Guiteras’ bulletin board is “a snapshot of my interests and my friends.” Referring to herself as “a selective pack rat,” Guiteras often rearranges the board to make room for her ever-increasing collection of snippets. “It’s really nothing terribly deep, but it’s a nice way to keep memories in sight,” she says.

    Guiteras wants to see her collection keep expanding. “I’d like to say I’ve saved things from 2010 when it’s 2030,” she says.

    “I save tickets from concerts, plays and anything I really enjoyed. I have a lot of movie tickets, but also ones from events like our trip to Six Flags and the residential college yacht formal. I also save tickets from when I travel places in Chicago. Eventually I want to make an entire border out of tickets.”

    Camel sticker
    “When I was visiting colleges in New Jersey, I found a stationery store with cool stickers that I’ve put here and on my computer.”

    Film reels
    “I did a summer film program and one of my TAs gave us old reels of film, and I decided to use them to make borders within the board. They’re pretty arbitrary. I move things around within their boundaries a lot.”

    Dog tag
    “I did theater through high school. One of my favorite teachers starred in a play and my friend had him sign the dog tags he wore and sent them to me.”

    Note from a friend
    “This was a note on a graduation gift from a friend. It reminds me of home. I really don’t get homesick but it’s nice to have reminders of friends. There are things I like to keep.”

    Photo of Geoffrey Rush and Colin Firth
    “I clipped it out of Time magazine. I actually bought the magazine in order to save the picture. I really liked The King’s Speech.”

    Purple note
    “When I was on a plane to Northwestern, I noticed the airplane’s safety manual was similar to the one in Fight Club. I thought it was funny and cut that part out of the manual. The quote from the movie is on the purple part.”

    “I went to a Catholic high school and my friend made a bracelet in a prayer service and she gave it to me.”

    “I have one of my cousins with Santa and another of my best friends from home and her family in Florida.”

    Luggage tag
    “It was sent to me when I got into Northwestern, and I already had one on my bag so I put it up.”

    “I like making origami, and it fit nicely in the triangle corner of the board."


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