Budget committee releases 'the most comprehensive report [...] we've ever given,' incoming Chair says

    Northwestern’s Undergraduate Budget Priorities Committee recently released its short- and long-term proposals for next school year based on results taken from an all-campus survey that gathered over 2,000 responses, as well as from peer institution research and discussions with administrators and student leaders.

    One of the more immediate results students can expect to see is an all-campus concert in Welsh-Ryan Arena that will be hosted by the university and A&O Productions during Fall Quarter of next year.

    “The questions on [the survey] were targeted to identify what are the problems at Northwestern and what sorts of solutions would be appropriate to propose,” said Anil Wadhwani, incoming UBPC Chair and Weinberg junior.

    “Data from the survey also helps us prioritize our list of proposals to help the university best allocate resources,” Wadhwani said.

    Some of the programs that are set to be implemented include improved cell phone reception, installation of electrical outlets on the ground floor of Norris and new light posts placed on-campus and in the surrounding areas. In addition, a new position under the Dean of Students will be created to aid with off-campus housing efforts, which Wadhwani called “the most important thing” that the committee addressed this year.

    “This year was also very different because it’s President [Morton] Schapiro’s first year,” Wadhwani said. “So we wanted to give him as much information as possible to give him the most comprehensive survey, the most comprehensive report and the most detailed list of priorities that I think we’ve ever given in our history.”

    Wadhwani said the committee had to cut down on items last year due to the economy.

    Some of UBPC’s long-term priorities that will not necessarily take place over the upcoming school year include a new student center, an office of undergraduate research and a more in-depth look at the Living Wage campaign and how it fits within the student budget.


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