Block ends early due to medical issue

    Updated, 7:47 p.m.

    A student in the DM tent collapsed Saturday during Block 6.

    The block ended early so that the student could receive proper medical attention and be transported to the hospital by EMTs. 

    PR Co-chairs Katie Prentiss and David Harris said that the schedule will likely move up and lunch will be moved around.

    After meeting with the executive board, Prentiss and Harris confirmed that the karaoke and total board segments will be cancelled for Block 6. The group video scheduled for the block will be moved to later in the day. Lunch will be served to dancers shortly, putting the blocks back on schedule. 

    "The dancers just got an extra-long chance to freshen up, which is never a bad thing," Harris said. 

    Prentiss and Harris confirmed the condition of the student during Block 9.

    "We received confirmation from the hospital that the student is fine," Harris said. The co-chairs were unable to comment further.


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