Communication freshman Lucy Godinez bows with a flourish after charming the production team with a witty comment following her audition.
Mertz encourages them to improvise and make the song their own, but that doesn’t stop Madeleine Briggs and Godby from taking one last look at their music.
The production team talks over their thoughts and reactions after an audition.
Kramer and Godby share a laugh before their final solo audition for Bonnie.
Mertz accompanies the candidates for Clyde on keyboard.
Kinnas decided early on in the casting process to consolidate several supporting roles, narrowing the size of the cast from 16 to 12. He believes it will make for a better show, he says, but it certainly won't make casting any easier.
Schwaitzberg waits patiently outside the audition room for his turn to audition for the lead role of Clyde.
Bienen freshman Mary Godby waits her turn in the hall, listening nervously to the audition before her through the thin walls.
"Yes we want to put on a good production," says Communication freshman Yianni Kinnas, Bonnie & Clyde's director. "But more than that this show is about showcasing the talent that Northwestern will offer for the next four years.”
Communication freshman Corey Schwaitzberg and Weinberg freshman Ryan Savage, the only two called back for the role of Clyde, run through their audition piece together before the actual solo audition.
Every head turns to look at Communication freshman Alex Kramer, far right, as she introduces herself to the group.
"I'm not a voice major like you; I can't belt," says Communication freshman Madeleine Briggs, left, who is auditioning for the roles of Bonnie and the preacher. "Which isn't good, because this song sort of takes some belting."
The joint callback for the roles of Bonnie and the preacher begins with Communication freshman Eric Mertz, music director, running through the audition piece, although most already know it well from prior preparation. After that each candidate will sing individually for the production team.
The sheet music for the audition pieces waits patiently in the hallway outside the audition room.
Photos by Jacob Meschke / North by Northwestern
Northwestern's drama program is highly regarded across the nation but the extracurricular dramatic scene is arguably even more impressive. Spring Quarter will see 19 shows open their doors to audiences, six musicals and 13 plays. As Winter Quarter began, hundreds of students vied for spots on their cast lists.
Each spring the freshman class produces their own musical. This year that show is Bonnie & Clyde, a fresh take on the life and adventures of the famous outlaw duo. The show closed after just four weeks on Broadway when it debuted in 2011, but Communication freshman Yianni Kinnas, the director, will be optimistic that the Class of 2018's talent will earn a decent reception here on campus. From Jan. 14 to Jan. 16, callbacks took place to narrow down 41 possibilities to a cast of 12.