ASG announces election results, passes bill on sexual assault activism

    After announcing Weinberg juniors Julia Watson and Erik Zorn as the winners of the ASG presidential and executive vice presidential elections respectively, senators passed a bill for student activism regarding Title IX policies and approved transitional members of ASG during Wednesday's senate meeting.

    Senate officials declared this year’s elections as a violation-free campaign season, with 1,758 votes submitted online.

    After election updates, senators reviewed and passed “Promoting Student Activism on Sexual Assault Policies.” The bill voiced the executive board’s hopes of centralizing the discussion on Northwestern’s sexual assault policies.

    “Northwestern may be in need of comprehensive review of its sexual assault policies, resources and services for survivors and survivor advocates,” the bill read.

    According to the bill, ASG wants to “facilitate dialogue” among the number of student organizations and offices on campus that deal with sexual assault concerns. The bill allows board members to determine logistics regarding the “investigative commission on Title IX policies.” Senate voted in favor of the bill.

    “We’ve taken first steps already,” said Ani Ajith, ASG president. “This is another step in the direction of coordinating streamlining student activism and student engagement when it comes to sexual assault policies, both prevention as well as survivor advocacy and resources as well as policies and consequences for acts of sexual harassment.”

    In addition, Academic Vice President Sofia Sami led the presentation on Hackathon, a 24-hour design competition with a mission to improve technology experience for students. Cash prizes worth a maximum of $2,000 will be awarded to top competitors who will consist of designers, programmers and innovators.

    Senate members also presented the Community Engagement Grant that will promote off-campus charitable efforts of student groups such as Supplies for Dreams. Senate also confirmed three non-senator positions of the SAFC and swore in the new speaker of the senate and parliamentarian.


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