Jack's Mannequin swoons fans with People and Things

    “People and Things," the new album by Jack’s Mannequin, dropped on Tuesday. To no one’s surprise, the album is an uplifting ode to loves come and gone that fits almost too well with his last album. This time, though, lead singer Andrew McMahon strays from his usual formula on a few tracks, some with more success than others.

    Formed in 2004, Jack's Mannequin began as McMahon's side project to his piano rock band Something Corporate after he realized a new song he wrote did not fit in with the band's previous material. The song, titled "Locked Doors," is now a bonus track available on "People and Things" when purchased at Best Buy.

    The opening track “My Racing Thoughts” is instantly reminiscent to “Swimming” off its previous album "The Glass Passenger" when the tempo slows after the chorus. A strong female lead in his lyrical plot and a catchy chorus single this track out as the definitive sing-along among his leagues of female fans. McMahon, however, mixes it up with the addition of keyboards borrowed from 1985, a year and connection unknown to many of his fans. 

    "Hostage" epitomizes McMahon's concept for the album. Of the album McMahon says, "I consider 'People and Things' a relationship record. My goal with many of the songs was to strip away the flowery language and sentiment attached to newer love and replace it with starker, less blinded language about more binding love." "Hostage" speaks of a lover run astray, but immature insecurity is absent in McMahon's lyrical response. Instead, he is confident and welcomes her return. McMahon has grown up and his older fans should take the lyrical changes in stride. 

    The cheerily “Hey Hey Hey (We’re All Gonna Die)” takes the Jack’s Mannequin's uplifting piano melodies and honest lyrics to a place I really wish it hadn’t gone. The track sounds like a high school talent show tribute to Billy Joel’s “Piano Man." The lyrics lack the maturity present on the rest of the album and are disappointing, considering the depth on his past albums following McMahon’s battle with leukemia. 

    If purchased on iTunes, the album comes with four bonus tracks, which are the true gems of the record. “No Man is an Island” is simple and sweet, vulnerable and sincere. It is the song every girl would be swept away by, the kind of song that breeds resentment in the girlfriends of boys who have no musical talent.

    “People and Things” is worth a listen given the qualities of previous Jack’s Mannequin albums. But don't expect a love affair with his lyricism or any other aspect of this album. It will probably only be a fling at best.

    Final Grade: B+


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