A short guide to Seth Meyers’ humor

    Everyone has their complaints about Northwestern: the weather sucks, midterms start on day one of the quarter and don't end until finals week, etc. But at least we have really funny alums. As a sort of follow-up to Stephen Colbert's side-splitting commencement speech, Seth Meyers will act as Grand Marshal for this weekend's Homecoming festivities.

    For those of you woefully unfamiliar with Meyers, here is a beginner's guide to the comedian's work. Disclaimer: do not watch in lecture. Giggling may ensue.

    Seth Meyers at Boom Chicago

    Meyers flexes his improv chops with local troupe. Perhaps not his finest work, but funny nevertheless.

    Seth Meyers stand-up at Northwestern

    Does anyone else find it ridiculously adorable that Meyers' mother taught French or is that just me? But the even better part of this clip is Meyers' interaction with one Northwestern audience member in particular. Here's praying the Homecoming parade will be as funny as this.

    Seth Meyers on The Martha Stewart Show

    Meyers and Martha get down and dirty with some hot cross buns. Apparently Martha has a thing for Jonathan Rhys Meyers, too. No, Martha, they're not related and yes, it is rude to talk about another actor's show when you have a head writer on air.

    Seth Meyers at the Correspondents' Dinner

    Politics asides, Meyers is at his best when he's satirizing the news. Think of his speech at the 2011 White House Correspondents' Dinner as Weekend Update on crack, speed, a hint of meth and some Oxycontin thrown in for good measure. Jokes about the debt, Donald Trump, Obama's birth certificate and Julian Assange run rampant through the speech. It's any politico's dream.


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