A note on Matt Bellassai’s coverage of ASG
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    North by Northwestern welcomes former ASG Presidential candidate, former ASG Public Relations Vice President and Medill senior Matt Bellassai as a Special ASG Correspondent this quarter.

    He will cover ASG Senate meetings, help explain ASG’s role in the university and counsel us on edits to the ASG Explainer.

    Matt ran for President against the current ASG administration, and we realize that the phrase “Special White House Correspondent John McCain” comes to mind.

    But Matt has three years of experience at many levels of ASG and no current affiliation with it. We believe this exceptional level of institutional expertise will benefit NBN readers and enrich debate at Northwestern.

    A link to this article will follow all of Matt’s coverage for the site.

    Annalise Frank & Robinson Meyer
    News Editors
    North by Northwestern


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