A homemade charm that's as sweet as a cupcake
    Cute! Photo by the author.

    It’s officially gift-buying season, and with so many “must-haves” that all look the same (and all cost the same: too much) on the market, why not try your hand at a homemade gift?

    Want to show your best friend what a sweetheart you think she is? This fun charm necklace might just be the baker’s dozen.

    4 Packs Sculpey Clay (White, Red, Yellow, Blue)
    Wire Cutters
    Headpin (small piece of wire with a loop on one end)
    Aluminum Foil

    What to Do:
    1. Mix small pieces of clay together to create your desired confectionary shade — you’ll need 3 (one for the base, the frosting and the sprinkles). Just follow the color wheel and add white to lighten things up. Tip: Mixing is easier when the clay is warm, so hold it in your hands for a few seconds first.

    2. Roll the colors into small balls. For the base and swirled topping, make balls 1/2-inch across. For the sprinkles, you’ll only need a ball with a 1/4-inch diameter.

    3. Make the base by squishing a ball of clay into a cone and slightly flattening the top of the cone. Lift it off the table and put it to the side.

    4. Roll the frosting ball into a long log less than 1/8-inch wide. Slightly thin out one end. Spiral, starting with the thinned end, the log into a cone shape. Attach to base piece gently.

    5. Make sprinkles by rolling out a super thin log and cutting off small pieces with a toothpick and placing them on the frosting.

    6. Cut the headpin down until it is 1/4 inch longer than your cupcake. Slide it into the top, the loop facing up. Tip: You can buy headpins at any bead or craft shop. You can also make your own by bending one end of a small piece of wire into a loop with round-nosed pliers.

    7. Once you’re done, place your creation on a piece of aluminum foil and into an oven (preheated to 275 degrees) for 15 minutes.

    8. Pull it out of the oven and voila! A charm as charming as your friend. Tip: Add sheen to your charm by applying a thin layer of clear nail polish after it’s cooled.

    And why stop at a cupcake? You should have plenty of clay to make more things, from a burger for your fast food junkie friends, to a slice of cake… for the Marie Antoinette types. Enjoy!


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