A desperate plea for Oprah to stay in Chicago

    Dear Oprah,

    Just two months ago, we closed down Michigan Avenue for your 24th season premiere party. More than 20,000 of your loyal fans surprised you with the biggest ‘flashmob’ dance in history when the Black Eyed Peas performed “I Gotta Feeling.” We wanted to make you proud.

    When you said, “That is the coolest thing ever… Chicago, I love you.” we took your words to heart.

    Oprah, why don’t you love us anymore? Photo by nayrb7 on Flickr, licensed under the Creative Commons.

    As a loyal viewer of your show, member of your book club, and reader of O Magazine, I am shocked and hurt by the recent rumors that you will be leaving Chicago.

    With all the support that Chicago has shown for you over the years, how can you even consider leaving?

    You even flew to Copenhagen to rally support for Chicago’s Olympic bid. Now you’re going to pack up and flee to the star-studded sunny beaches of L.A.? Don’t tell me that the International Olympic Committee convinced you that Chicago is unworthy of your affection.

    Occasionally big movies like The Dark Knight or Public Enemies film in Chicago and that can be exciting. But those moments are fleeting and rare. Nothing can compare to having our very own beloved celebrity, philanthropist and media mogul right in our backyard.

    Why do we love you? You represent all the possibility of this country for those naïve enough to hold onto the “American Dream.” Despite your unbelievable talent and success, you can somehow still relate to us ordinary folks. Don’t you remember celebrating President Obama’s election with us in Grant Park last year?

    Perhaps more importantly, for Chicago’s foodies, you introduced us to Art Smith. Few celebrities would be kind enough to share their personal chef with an entire city. As the success of Table Fifty-Two demonstrates, Chicago is clearly just as in love with Smith’s southern comfort food as you are.

    After failing in our bid for the 2016 Olympics, to lose you too is more than Chicago can bear. Leaving us now, in our moment of weakness, would be as cruel as cutting off funds to your girls’ school in Africa. Isn’t there some clause in your contract that stipulates that you aren’t allowed to be mean?

    What must we do to reignite your love affair with Chicago?

    You don’t belong in Hollywood. L.A. already has the Lakers, Disneyland and more than its share of celebrities. It’s just not fair if L.A. gets you too. Plus, they wouldn’t appreciate you in L.A. the way we do in Chicago. Do you think they would let you close down Rodeo Drive for your own personal block party?

    Yes, you want to start your cable network, OWN: The Oprah Winfrey Network, with Discovery. That’s all fine and dandy, and we here in Chicago fully support the expansion of your multimedia empire. Which begs the question: why can’t you start OWN right here in Chicago? You know the city would do everything that it possibly can to support you. While it may be easier in L.A., you can surely found a cable network in Chicago. You’re Oprah — the most powerful woman in the world.

    Of course, your mouthpiece at Harpo says that you have not yet made a decision. If this is true, I hope that you remember your relationship with Chicago and consider staying in the city that loves you best.

    My mom and I have yet to see a taping of your show live, despite many futile attempts at registering for audience tickets on your website. If you leave, will we be reduced to going to see Judge Mathis?

    Your ever hopeful fan,



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