Six days of partying as told by a semi-decent partier

    Yes, it happened. I ended up partying, i.e. consuming three or more standard drinks, six days in a row. Honestly, I’m still not sure how it happened, but here we are. I would not call myself a hard partier by any stretch of the imagination. I enjoy a good time, but emphasis on a good time. I usually go out just once or twice per week – three if I’m feeling really risky. Hard alcohol is not my thing, although that hurts my reputation as a partier. I’m also incredibly sleep sensitive (as in didn’t-make-it-through-DM type of sleep sensitive). If I’m not getting at least eight hours a night , I am not a fully functioning human being. But on a relatively free Week Three of sophomore year, I attempted the impossible – six nights uninterrupted nights of partying – and my body definitely felt it.

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    Monday: Decided I would make a “quick appearance” with my friends at a party. Honestly, the Freshmen Freeze had just ended, and I really wanted to watch people get hyped by the sight of small, sweaty, unexplainably sticky rooms. No shame, I was equally (if not more) excited about this last year. Anyway, I was really set about my “quick appearance” – to the point that I confirm with my friends that tonight will be nothing more than a quick hello followed by a brief period of people watching, then straight home. I ended up staying until four in the morning. You know, just a super chill, super brief five hours at a frat house (I am the epitome of no chill).

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    Tuesday: I had a class at nine in the morning and I had a paper due, so I slept for a solid four hours. Keep in mind what I said before about my sleep sensitivity. I was essentially a living, breathing monster. In Rocks for Jocks, I spent most of the class planning the best escape route if I needed to vomit (not from being hungover, but from lack of sleep). I ended up getting a 7/10 on my quiz at the end of class and missed a different class later that day. It’s days like these when I wonder how on Earth I got into this school. So, I’m pretty set on staying in and sleeping. But my roommate convinces me to go to a “chill hangout” as she so lovingly put it. Like anyone with zero chill, I am constantly in search of it, so the promise of anything remotely “chill” is too enticing to pass up. I ended up staying until three in the morning. Another night of success for Dani!

    Wednesday: With two sleepless nights under my belt, I was essentially delusional. So, I didn’t physically go to a party, but I do like to make my own fun, so I spent the night drinking with friends. Honestly, don’t ask how it happened. I was like, well I can’t possibly fix two nights of little sleep in one night, so what’s the point? Again, let’s remember my absolute delusion and lack of good decision-making skills.

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    Thursday: I am one of the blessed few who have no classes Friday, so Thursday is my celebration night. And this week had been rough, so I wasn’t going to, like, not celebrate. Also, I’d made it all the way to Thursday. What fun would it be if I gave up now? So to The Deuce I went, where I was bombarded by freshmen and had way too many drinks. To recap the night briefly: I fell asleep on my friend’s floor because I couldn’t make it to my own room. She lives across the hall from me.

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    Friday: I woke up at noon, slightly surprised I could see straight. I somehow mustered up the strength to spend a few hours in the library. My dad was in town for the Cubs game, and I was going with two friends to see him. I am not a sports gal, and I have sat through one too many games to know I couldn’t make it through the whole thing sober. Imagine me and friends, struggling to open the bottle of wine in the back of our Uber. Very glamorous, I know.

    Saturday: At this point, I knew I’d come too far to give up. I was about to achieve something mildly impressive and slightly concerning! I’m nothing if not a go-getter! I opted for a darty Saturday, because I honestly wasn’t sure if I’d be able to make it to the night. This was my last hurrah– the big moment I’d been waiting for! I not-even-slightly-humbly bragged about my six day streak, to which most people were uninterested. I didn’t care, this was my victory lap! A lap that I rode all the way to my bed where I promptly slept for 15 hours and then proceeded to question how I make life choices.

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    So, will I be doing this again? Almost definitely not. But hey, never say never. In retrospect, maybe I shouldn’t have gone out six nights in a row. But college is a learning experience and look how much I’m learning, mom! This past week, my tuition went to great use, teaching me that coffee can only solve so many problems in my life and that my liver needs a very long break.


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