Breaking down first-night frat bids by dorm

    Update: We are holding off on numbers tonight after we noticed some discrepancies in the information we received. IFC has said there were some errors in the online and handwritten bid form system. In the coming days we will collect and verify more data. Expect a more comprehensive breakdown early next week.

    Fraternity hopefuls dropped 182 bids Tuesday night — the first in a string of five nights of frat hopping, snacking and awkward small talk that is rush. That’s nearly a score more than last year’s first night bid drop total of 166.

    Each night until Saturday, students will be visiting frat houses in attempts to receive — and accept, or “drop” — bids to join fraternities. Below you can see how many dorm residents dropped bids Tuesday night. Not all of the night’s bids are represented, though; two fraternities have not turned in their numbers yet.

    Come back for updates each night this week. And next week, we will have an even bigger pile of data for you to play with.

    Graphic by Emily Chow / North by Northwestern. SOURCE: Interfraternity Council


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