Anirudh in London: Drunk blogging

    At this very moment in time, I’m intoxicated. Oh woopy-doo, American in London being drunk at 1:00 a.m., BIG surprise. Then again, it’s only my second night here and I can’t keep my obligations straight.

    I realized one hour ago that I had to write this for NBN (I am not saying NBN is a chore. It’s great. Write for it. BOO Daily). I also realized that I should come up with something deep and Northwestern-y to write about. This is supposed to be one of those finding yourself experiences right? NO.

    This is what London is (at least for the moment and at least for me), and it has nothing to do with “being exposed to a whole different world” or “getting thrown into the mix of things”. No, no…it’s all about doing exactly what you thought you’d be doing:

    1. Running around town with people you don’t know very well at all.
    2. Not knowing where you’re going.
    3. Getting drunk.
    4. Completing an “Ale Trail”.
    5. Asking for directions in a horribly drunken British accent (trying to fit in of course).
    6. Navigating the Underground (drunk).
    7. Ignoring directions (trying to be American of course).
    8. Drunk blogging (standard).

    Through all of this you ask yourself “I don’t I do this more often?”. But you also realize, “I’m not at home any longer. How long am I going to do this?” For a bunch of Northwesternerners here, it’s only till winter break. For me…well I bought a one-way ticket to London. You feel that feeling for me. It’s weird.

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