Kari in Florence: The right choice for me
    Kari will be in Florence, Italy until Dec. 17.

    I feel like most of the posts I’ve written have been about my enthusiasm for the places I’ve visited. Each contains words like “marvelous,” “incredible,” “amazing” and so on. I keep using such adjectives again and again, but it’s hard not to when everywhere I’ve been is so unique and interesting. It’s difficult to find words to describe all the experiences I’m having. I also realize this might make it sound like I don’t appreciate life here in Florence as much as visiting these other cities. While this is not true, this weekend’s trip to Paris really tested my conviction that I am studying in the right place.

    There was an unbelievable amount to do and see. Highlights of this weekend include watching a modern ballet at the Opera Garnier and touring the Grand Palais’ Renoir exhibit. I also went to the Musee d’Orsay and spent about three hours at the Louvre, during which I got lost a couple of times. I visited all the main sights such as the Eiffel Tower, the Moulin Rouge and Notre Dame cathedral. And I ate a few traditional French meals, one of which included escargot, in addition to sampling pastries and crepes from famous locales. The amount of culture I was able to pack into three days was exhausting, and I still wasn’t able to accomplish everything I set out to do: the palace of Versailles, the Musee d’Orlangerie, and the Pompidou will have to wait for a return trip. For me, Paris was truly a beautiful and magical place, and I wish I could have stayed much longer.

    The entire time I was visiting, I found myself wishing I was studying in Paris instead. Then I started thinking about it. I wouldn’t really want to live in a dorm, because I think my Italian family is one of the best parts of my experience here. The food is unbeatable. The classes I’m taking, the artwork I’m seeing and the internship I’m doing at a conservation center are unique to Italy. I’m glad to be learning Italian. And while on the one hand it’s nice that my peers in Paris are with so many other Northwestern students, being one of five Northwesterners in my program has forced me to branch out and make new friends. While Italy may not be for everyone, for me, it has been the right choice, and I really do appreciate my life here. Maybe from the other side of the fence the grass looks greener in other places, but I’m still glad to be here in Florence.

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