Safdari: Impeachment charges against me "don't make sense"

    I sincerely and deeply regret that a personal e-mail correspondence of mine was distributed throughout this campus. This was the first time I’ve written something of that nature in my life and unfortunately one of my friends put it over a listserv. I made it abundantly clear in one of several follow up e-mails, where I cleared up facts and accusations as I learned more throughout the day, that this correspondence was not to be circulated in any way.

    Everyone receiving the e-mail from me was a Mike supporter already, and this e-mail was not supposed to sway a single vote — it was just an outlet for me in the middle of a difficult and hectic campaign. I was also trying to recruit some of these friends to go door to door for Mike either on- or off-campus, the latter which I referred to as “guerilla tactics” in jest. I do not believe my stupidity changed the outcome of the election, as I believe Mike had the more traditional voters who would vote twice, that the joining of multiple campaign teams created an impressive ground force and any controversial tactics were dropped by the campaigns in the run-off.

    On their face, the charges put forth against me at various times by various people don’t make sense. I didn’t commit slander — I have never publically said a negative word about anyone on this campus. I didn’t commit libel — I never published or asked that the e-mail be published and there wasn’t any malicious intent to hurt anyone. If anything, I was trying to make my friends laugh. Any real friend of mine on Bill and Pat’s campaign already understand the true tone of my e-mail and are able to laugh at me, the e-mail, and my stupidity as well. Other campaigns had off-color emails, texts, or conversations about Mike, me and others. These are each funny in their own circles and get us through long campaigns.

    Still, I unintentionally caused Bill, Pat and their friends and supporters undeserved harm. I have tried to reach out to several of them repeatedly and at times in tears, but not all of them will respond or accept my heartfelt apology for my blunder. I will always be there now and in the future to have a civil conversation owning up to my shortcomings and emphasizing that nothing coming out of me was ever meant to be personal.

    Of course, any attempts to remove me from office have nothing to do with my qualifications to get things done in my new capacity. I don’t doubt that these measures are being pushed by loyal friends of Bill and Pat who have the best intentions, but I wish we could move forward in a more productive way. I have already met with administration, student leaders and the ASG Academic Committee in the hopes of getting back to work on the issues that matter to the Northwestern community.


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