Q&A with Brendon Boutin, NU's male escort

    He can be your Prince Charming, if you hire him. Photo by Julie Beck / North by Northwestern.

    The search for that perfect date is equivalent to finding the Holy Grail. There’s that one guy you brought to your last formal who you thought would be a blast — until you got to the dance floor. He put his hands where? Oh, and who could forget bad-breath-Bobby? It seems more dates end badly than end well, or even on non-awkward speaking terms.

    Look no further than Brendon Boutin. A Communication senior, Boutin has started a business offering a unique service to the women of Northwestern. He is a professional male escort and, according to the Facebook group he used to advertise, he smells good, is a great dancer and has a cute butt.

    Curious to see what this guy was all about, North by Northwestern sat down with Boutin last Friday in the Norris Game Room (where he works for his day job) and chatted with him about business, life, and — of course — love.

    North by Northwestern: When did you decide to become a male escort? Was there a defining moment?

    Brendon Boutin: Yes. Yes there was. I opened my closet one day and I saw three suits staring at me. It occurred to me, “Wow. These suits are really not being used to their full potential.” And then I thought, “You know what? I bet there’s a use out there. I could be a valuable service to the Northwestern community. I have the tools and I have the skills.” It just dawned on me. It was the obvious choice.

    NBN: How’s business so far?

    BB: Well our grand opening was only three days ago, so I haven’t had any official business yet. But throughout my entire life I’ve been escorting girls to various events, so I’ve had a lot of practice.

    NBN: Going on a date with someone you don’t know can be awkward. How do you break the ice?

    BB: I’ve got two words for you: Conversationalism. There’s awkwardness there. But all it takes is a smile and a quick compliment and we’re old friends.

    NBN: Do you charge for your dates? If so, is there a money-back guarantee if customers are unhappy?

    BB: No, it’s a free service right now and I sincerely hope it can stay that way as the business expands. The reward for me is making a girl who’s in a desperate situation, you know, making her happy and saving her from the embarrassment of being alone or having to show up with a guy she’s just friends with. (Long pause) But it is customary for them to buy me the first round of drinks.

    NBN: Best date you have ever been on?

    BB: There was one magical night back in high school which I think really set me on the path of knowing I would be a professional escort. There was a girl whose boyfriend had just broken up with her, and she was devastated, crying uncontrollably, and I said, “Hey girl, don’t cry.” I said, “Hey you know what? Let’s go to Jamba Juice and I’ll get you a Razzmatazz.” That feeling, seeing her so happy, really made me feel good about myself.”

    NBN: Worst date you have ever been on.

    BB: I tried the same thing about a week later and I was rejected. She just wanted nothing to do with me. I haven’t been back to Jamba Juice since.

    NBN: Dream date?

    BB: Ideally, I would meet the girl in some sort of food service industry. You know, maybe she’s taking my order at Starbucks or something like that… ice cream places are always good. I’d meet her. I’d order the extra large. And I’d tell her “Hey, when are you getting off work?” And then I’d pick her up in my convertible and we’d just drive, you know, just drive for hours, just laughing, talking. That’s why I’m so well suited for Northwestern date parties because you spend most of the time on the bus anyway. That’s my favorite place.

    NBN: Is there any date you won’t go on if asked?

    BB: I will do what ever is necessary to be the best date possible for the girl who wants me. I can’t see myself really turning anyone down because I see the beauty in every person. However, if someone was really, really not cool then they deserve to be alone. Also if they smell bad.

    NBN: The Wedding Date is a chick flick that will live in the hearts of hopeless romantics for years to come. A woman and the man she hires to be her date actually fall in love. So, love at first sight, any thoughts?

    BB: I’m a big believer. That’s the only kind of love I believe in, actually. I don’t expect to find it here as an escort. For me, this is purely professional and purely for fun. But Cupid is a tricky thing, and if he strikes I’ll be ready.

    NBN: What do you think makes casual dating at Northwestern such a lost art?

    BB: Northwestern students, for the most part, are notoriously bad at getting together. We’re very awkward at heart. We were not cool in high school. And I think there’s a big miscommunication between men and women here.

    NBN: If you could tell the women of Northwestern one thing, what would it be?

    BB: I just want to tell them don’t rule out guys so quick, you know? The guy who is standing and he keeps looking at you but never comes over to say hi. He might be the best guy you ever meet. I wish sincerely that my job didn’t exist. I wish everybody could find dates. But it’s not a perfect world.

    If you find yourself in need of Boutin’s services, details and contact information are located at his Facebook group.


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