The Unicorn: Not to be confused with anything by Lisa Frank

    Writers’ Spaces is a series that reviews — you guessed it — spaces for writers. Whether writing is your lifeblood or you got stuck in Intro to Fiction, check out the best (and worst) places to practice your craft.

    This Sherman Ave café isn’t trying too hard.

    As the erratic Midwestern winter begins to rear its ugly head, it’s tempting to curb one’s choice of study locales. But often, your roommate’s MGMT obsession makes productivity hopeless, the dorm study lounges grow stifling, and Deering proves just too damn depressing. For a genuine slice of writerly inspiration, there is only one place worth braving the Evanston chill for: The Unicorn Café. Unlike its hackneyed neighbor Starbucks or the supposedly scenester Kafein, The Unicorn sheds affectation and—like its cash-only policy—returns to the traditional delight of good company and a bottomless cup of quality Joe.

    Catch up on your people watching during study breaks at The Unicorn. Photo by Sarah Collins / North by Northwestern

    With its yellow dappled walls, quaint marble tables and the occasional wooden bench, The Unicorn is a cozy writer’s refuge. Snatch a seat in a corner or by the window, order some house blend, and be prepared to channel your inner Hemingway for an entire afternoon. The menu isn’t too overwhelming, so you won’t waste precious Moleskine minutes laboring over your drink order, and standout hits like the amazing chai will keep you fueled and content. For those looking to indulge, the Unicorn’s daily baked cookies are worth every broke-college-student-cent, and inventive sandwiches such as the Windfall or the Moroccan rise far above average deli fare.

    Perhaps the one slightly irritating aspect of The Unicorn is its rigid hours. Closing at 8 p.m. every day doesn’t quite accommodate a writer’s potential late-night spurts of inspiration. But the schedule preserves The Unicorn’s unique identity: this café isn’t exclusively a Northwestern hangout—it’s a little microcosm of Evanston itself. Sure, a crop of weary-eyed Weinbergers hunched over laptops or buried in Dostoevsky is rarely absent, but neither are middle-aged nine-to-fivers catching up on the Tribune, mother-daughter duos sipping mochas, elderly couples reminiscing about days past, or any combination of colorful casts apt for a blossoming screenplay or novel.

    Crowded? At times. But the snug confines mask the often awkward blatancy of eavesdropping—a set up that is certainly any dialogue-starved writer’s dream. The last time I was there, an old man even asked to share my table due to the lack of space. While some may find this disheartening, I think, what better way to craft a work of fiction than at a place where fresh characters simply flock to you?

    So, if you’re craving a spot to tap into that burgeoning creativity of yours, look no further than The Unicorn. A little too close to your E-town neighbors? Perplexed as to why you’re drinking coffee from a beer mug? Hesitant about the somewhat random mythical creature motif? Skip the questions and let The Unicorn’s quirky customs captivate you with their peculiar charm. And now go write the next Slaughterhouse-Five…but not past eight o’clock.

    1723 Sherman Avenue
    Evanston, IL 60201

    Menu- A-
    Coffee- A
    Ambiance- B+
    Accessibility- A
    Overall- A


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