"Dear Allison"

    Dear Allison,

    Look. I know we had a good time together, but it just wasn’t meant to be.
    It’s not me. It’s you. You’re just not what you used to be.

    Sure. Months ago, you were great. Then as days went by,
    Seeing you sometimes twice a day, everyday, I just got sick of you.

    Sure. It was fun licking lips and finger tips and feeling great
    afterwards, but I started to feel guilty.

    Sure. It was convenient, but you have no substance now.
    No life, no energy — you’re just so — fake.
    Your qualities are fleeting and my hungry love is beating so I’m sorry –
    I’m sorry but I think we should stop seeing each other.

    As a matter of fact, I’ve been seeing other people recently, and not just
    because of my new schedule.

    Don’t worry — we can still be friends.
    I’ll come visit you when it’s too cold to walk to Hinman, and maybe on Friday for cookies.

    Lingering love,

    Watch the author read his poem.


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