Three perspectives on that thing we call rush

    Sorority recruitment has ended, but the mysterious shroud enveloping this Greek week has yet to lift. More than 600 women signed up for formal recruitment, but by Bid Night on Jan. 15, only 441 women would receive bids. Three of our writers sounded off on the process: meet a rush dropout; a pledge with reservations; and a pledge bursting with sorority pride.

    The love that these remarkable women showed to each other convinced me.
    – Aubrey Blanche
    I will never wonder ‘what if?’ or regret not giving recruitment a fair shot.
    – Tracy Fuad
    We had no idea why we were invited back to one house and not another.
    - Jamie Wiebe

    Rush for dummies (or boys and the unaffiliated): During Set One, the girls visited all 12 sorority houses over the course of two days. For Set Two, each girl visited up to eight houses; for Set Three, up to 5. On Preference (or Pref) Night, sorority hopefuls attended formal parties at up to three houses. The next night, they received a bid from one sorority.

    After each set, girls met with their recruitment counselors (or Rho Chis) to preference their favorite houses and rank their least favorites. Meanwhile, sorority members met within their own houses to discuss the girls they had met each day. Through a process called “mutual selection,” the rushees were asked back to the different chapters.


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