How, why, and if to wear your sexy Halloween costume

    Gretel’s short skirt and stilettos make me think she has more on her mind then finding her way home, and in white fishnets and a pink gingham petticoat and corset, Little Miss Muffet certainly doesn’t seem to be frightened anymore.

    There is a startling trend this year in Halloween costumes. Not only are women’s costumes shorter and more risqué then ever, but the most popular costumes this year are twists on our favorite childhood fairytales. Popular choices include “Little Red Riding Ho,” “Little Bo Peep Show,” and “Sexy Cindy” (a twist on Cinderella).

    These fantasy costumes with frilly details present women not only as sexual objects but also perpetuate the idea that younger is hotter. How is it that Halloween became the one day a year to dress like a whore without repercussions?

    Do sexy costumes make a woman feel more attractive? Some women claim that dressing seductively is empowering and shows confidence and control. Low cut tops certainly do attract attention.

    Sexy isn’t about what you wear, but how you carry yourself and how confident you are. While it may be difficult to be sexy in sweatpants, you certainly don’t need to be falling out of your top to get noticed.

    It’s particularly intriguing to me that as women’s costumes have grown increasingly risqué, men’s costumes remain goofy and immature. What a sad display of American culture that women are expected to parade around at the end of October in barely there outfits, catering to men’s fantasies.

    My advice:

    • Whatever you choose for your costume, whether you’re a vixen pirate or a sultry stewardess, make sure you’re comfortable with the image you’re presenting to the world.

    • It may only be for one night, but pictures may just end up on Facebook.

    • Keep in mind that it’s going to be cold. Dress for the weather. You don’t want to get sick so close to the end of the quarter.

    • Keep in mind that being sexy isn’t about conforming to someone else’s ideal of what is hot.

    Halloween. It’s the one day a year when good girls can dress like sluts and no one seems to care. It has become a holiday increasingly less about the candy bars and more about the eye candy. Enjoy it for what it’s worth.


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